
Monday, March 10, 2014

29 Off-The-Wall Reasons To Get In Better Shape

Establishing clear expectations while working out often can be the difference between success and failure. Too many people try to do too much and get frustrated. Instead of lasering in on a few great strategies, they try to do as many things as possible. As they say, Jack of all trades, master of none applies here.

To help renew your spirits of why proper diet and exercise is important for the New Year, I’ve compiled a somewhat comical list. See how many apply to you :

        Because it costs you (or your loved ones) over 5 million pennies in future health care if you aren’t
        Because feeling better tomorrow starts today
        Because torture is a bad persuasion technique
        Because studies show that fit people make more money
        Because if you don’t, you suck
        Because movie stars do it
        Because performers do it

        Because everyone that is cool in your life, does it
        Because you CAN commit 1.5 hrs/wk out of 176
        Because avoiding a wheelchair is a good thing
        Because hugs are better when you can actually wrap your arms around someone
        Because your kids really don’t want to put you in a rest home
        Because no matter what you keep telling yourself, thick is not sexy
        Because feeling grandpa’s muscles at Thanksgiving can be a yearly ritual
        Because cottage cheese is for fruit
        Because squeezing into a size 6 means you’re not a size 6
        Because love making is much more fun without the extra rolls
        Because being able to see your toes…
        Because bigger clothes cost more money
        Because shopping for smaller clothes raises spirits
        Because hitting the State Fair and observing everyone shouldn’t be the only thing that puts a smile on your face
        Because having the woman in your life open a stuck jar of pickles for you is embarrassing
        Because no matter what anyone says, women are always in competition with each other. You do want to win, right?
        Because you had to ask your 10 year old son to take out the trash…..after all you couldn’t lift it
        Because beer makes everyone else look better while making you look worse
        Because weight training makes you look better while making everyone else look worse (see competition in women)
        Because yelling at the gym is a lot better than yelling at work (unless you are a cheerleader)
        Because Shut your mouth or I’ll kick your,  now actually has meaning
        Because being told you look 40 when you are actually 60 does something strange to self confidence
Again, make sure to renew your sense of self worth this holiday season and strive to become a healthier you. Great information is always key but watch out for the dreaded  information overload. Get equipped and make ’06 the best year of your life. getting in shape, the secret, weight training, gym, working out, reasons to get in shape, weight loss, losing weight, diet, lose weight, exercise.


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